wēn jū
  • 拼 音:wēn jū
  • 注 音:ㄨㄣ ㄐㄨ
  • 繁體字:
  • 基本解釋

    ◎ 溫居 wēnjū
    [visit a relative or friend in his or her new house as a manifestation of congratulation;give house-warming party] 指到親友的新居賀喜

  • 英文翻譯

    1.visit a relative or friend in his [her] new house as a manifestation of congratulation

  • 詳細(xì)解釋

    舊時(shí)指前往親友新居賀喜?!缎咽酪鼍墏鳌返诙寤兀骸?狄員外 斂了些街坊與他去送鍋, 狄員外 的娘子也過日辦了禮去與 薛教授 的夫人溫居?!薄缎咽酪鼍墏鳌返谌寤兀骸胺灿腥思移饡?,都要插在里邊;既是會友,就多了交際:今日與李四溫居,明日與張三慶壽?!?/p>