xiǎng lái xiǎng qù
  • 拼 音:xiǎng lái xiǎng qù
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  • 基本解釋

    謂反復(fù)地多方思考。《花月痕》第七回:“﹝ 采秋 ﹞癡癡呆呆,想來想去,直到一下鐘, 賈氏 進來幾次,催他去睡,才叫 紅豆 和老媽服侍睡下?!薄段膮R報》1981.11.16:“什么事呢?想來想去,還是那個象征著世界排球技術(shù)最高水平的金杯?!?/p>

  • 英文翻譯

    1.think it over and over again; turn over in one's mind; think back and forth to oneself; consider carefully and at length; (She) thought and thought, racking (her) brains right and left.