● 鰧
téng ? ㄊㄥˊ
◎ 〔鰧魚〕體呈長錐形,頭寬大而平扁,口大,下頷突出,棲息在淺海底層。
◎ 古代傳說中的一種魚:“(半石之山)合水出于其陰,……多鰧魚,狀如鱖,居逵,蒼文赤尾?!?/div>
English(standard form of U+9C27) a perch-like fish with white body and red tail康熙字典【亥集中】【魚字部】?
·康熙筆畫:23 ·部外筆畫:12
English(simplified form of U+9C27) a kind of fish; stout; bluish gray color; big flat head; big mouth and small eyes; usually stay in the bottom of the shallow sea; half bured in the muddy sand
● 鯷
tí ? ㄊㄧˊ
◎ 見“鳀”。
● 鮷
tí ? ㄊㄧˊ
◎ 古同“鯷”,鲇魚。
● 鯈
tiáo ? ㄊㄧㄠˊ
◎ 古同“鰷”。
● 鰷
tiáo ? ㄊㄧㄠˊ
◎ 見“鰷”。
English(same as 鰷) a long narrow and silver colored fish; Trichiurus armatus康熙字典【亥集中】【魚字部】?
·康熙筆畫:18 ·部外筆畫:7
Englisha kind of fish, something like the sheat-fish康熙字典【亥集中】【魚字部】?
·康熙筆畫:18 ·部外筆畫:7