Englishcannot straighten up康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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Englishto shake one's head康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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English(same as U+738A 玊) jade with some defects, a lapidary, to polish gems; a surname康熙字典【子集下】【幾字部】?
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English(ancient form of 素) plain; unornamented, white, ordinary, simple康熙字典【子集下】【厶字部】?
·康熙筆畫:10 ·部外筆畫:8
Englishto feel about; to grope in the dark康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:10
Englishto beat; to strike; to attact, sound of beating or hitting, a handle; a hold; to hold; to take, to guard; to watch over康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
·康熙筆畫:16 ·部外筆畫:12
《唐韻》息逐切《集韻》息六切,??音肅。擊也?!稄埡狻の骶┵x》飛??箾?!对]》著物貌。箾音朔。 又《唐韻》《集韻》??所六切,音縮。義同?;蜃??。 又《唐韻》蘇彫切《集韻》先彫切,??音蕭。義同?;蜃??。又《唐韻》先鳥切《集韻》先了切,??音篠。打也。 又《唐韻》蘇弔切《集韻》先弔切,??音嘯。義同。
Englishto strike; to beat, sound of beating康熙字典【卯集下】【攴字部】?
·康熙筆畫:16 ·部外筆畫:12
Englisharid; dry; parched, impatient; restless, fierce; cruel, sudden, a scorching heat康熙字典【辰集上】【日字部】?
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English(non-classical form) small trees; saplings康熙字典【辰集中】【木字部】?
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