Englishto draw a bow, bent康熙字典【寅集下】【弓字部】?
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《廣韻》女恚切,音諉?!队衿??也?!稄V韻》??,弓貌?!都崱饭^之?。一曰張弩?!额惼窂埞?。 又《集韻》而睡切,音?。又《類篇》于僞切,音餧。義??同。
English(non-classical form of 微) small, low, weak; feeble康熙字典【寅集下】【彳字部】?
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Englishunsuccessful in one's career; to have not one's ambition fulfilled, generous; unselfish; liberal, uneasy; distrubed; not feeling at peace康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》《韻會》??于貴切,音胃?!稄V韻》怫?,心不安也。 又《博雅》忼慨也。
·康熙筆畫:20 ·部外筆畫:16
《廣韻》《集韻》??于劌切,音衞?!墩f文》?言不慧也?;驈难?。 又《集韻》於例切,音?。義同。 又《廣韻》魚祭切,音囈。與寱同。亦睡語也。又《集韻》于外切,又乙劣切,音噦。義??同。
English(a simplified form 撝) to wave, to assist
Englishto discard; to reject; to abandon, to feel; to stroke, to sort out the divining stalks, to drop; to lose; to fall off, to weigh; to measure weight康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】?
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《唐韻》以水切《集韻》愈水切,??音唯。棄也?;蜃??。又《玉篇》羊捶切《集韻》尹捶切,??隋上聲。義同。一曰捫也。或作撱。 又《玉篇》他果切《集韻》吐火切,??音妥。揲也。又落也?!稉P子·方言》脫也。 又《集韻》杜果切,音惰。挅也。
Englishsunshine; light of the sun康熙字典【辰集上】【日字部】?
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English(simplfied form of 椲) a kind of wood ( used as a kind of material to make basin and bowl, etc.) (same as 楎) a peg for handing things on, a clothes-horse
Englishcannot recognize people康熙字典【辰集下】【歹字部】?
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English(a variant of U+71A8 熨) to iron, an iron for smoothing garments (same as 尉) to still; to quiet, a military official康熙字典【巳集中】【火字部】?
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《集韻》尉,古作?。註詳寸部八畫。 《說文》作??。《廣韻》俗作熨。