Englishto bestow; to grant, to act; to do, quiet; still, peace; tranquility康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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Englishstupid; loutish, without ability; unable; lacking power康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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Englishinferior; secondary, ugly康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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English(interchangeable U+50AB 儽) utterly weary in body and spirits; negligent; lax
English(same as 儡) puppets, very tired; fatigued; weary and weak康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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《集韻》魯猥切,音磊。極困也。 又與儡同。
Englishanger; rage; angry, (same as 戾) recalcitrant; stubbornly persisting in doing something wrong; cruel; despotic康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
·康熙筆畫:10 ·部外筆畫:8
《廣韻》《集韻》??郞計切,音麗。怒也。又很?也。 本作戾,俗作?。
English(same as 儷)a pair; a couple, luxuriant; lush; exuberant康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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● 令
líng ? ㄌㄧㄥˊ
◎ 〔令狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省臨猗縣一帶;b.復(fù)姓?!?令
lìng ? ㄌㄧㄥˋ
◎ 上級對下級的指示:命令。法令。朝(zhāo)令夕改。
◎ 古代官名:縣令。令尹。尚書令。
◎ 使,使得:令人興奮。
◎ 時節(jié):時令。節(jié)令。
◎ 美好,善:令名。令辰。令聞(好名聲)。
◎ 敬辭,用于對方的親屬或有關(guān)系的人:令尊。令堂。令岳。令郎。令愛。
◎ 短的詞調(diào)(diào ),散曲中不成套的曲(多用于詞調(diào)、曲調(diào)名):小令。如夢令。英文翻譯◎ 令
order command cause drinking game ream season your
Englishto make a fool of; idiotic, simple, stupid康熙字典【子集中】【人字部】?
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● 侖
lún ?ㄌㄨㄣˊ
◎ 條理、倫次。