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基本字義● ?páo ㄆㄠˊ◎ 姓。宋·羅泌《路史·後紀(jì)一·太昊》:“夏后氏之初封之庖,為姒姓,……後有風(fēng)氏,……?氏?!薄??媧,即女媧,神話傳說中的上古女帝。宋·羅泌《路史·後紀(jì)二·女皇氏》:“女皇氏?媧,雲(yún)姓?!狈窖约瘏R◎ 粵語:pau4◎ 潮州話:pao5Englisha goddess's name in legend; the sister and successor of Fu Xi 伏羲, (interchangeable 庖), last name
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《說文》匹貌切,音奅。桼垸已復(fù)桼之曰?垸。 又《唐韻》薄交切,音庖。赤黑之漆。 又《字彙》胡玩切,音換。以桼和灰而?也?!鸢础墩f文》另立桼部,今倂入。
Englishto provoke or arouse (ill-will, etc.) to cause disputes; to sow discord between two parties, to talk nonsense; to talk inconherently or unintelligibly; lies or wild talks康熙字典【酉集上】【言字部】?
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《說文》同?。 又《集韻》蒲褒切,音袍?!额惼??,亂語也。
English(non-classical form of 鞄) to tan and soften leather, (same as 匏) a bottle-gourd, one of the eight kinds of musical sounds, a kind of musical instrument, (interchangeable 枹) a drum-stick (interchangeable 包) handbag or purse (expecially one made of leather)康熙字典【戌集中】【革字部】?
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English(same as 皰) a pustule or pimple康熙字典【亥集下】【鼻字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》??皮敎切,音鉋?!队衿?,面瘡。 又《廣韻》面上氣也。 一作皰。