English(simplified form of U+4947 ?) sarmarium (Sm); old ideograph for U+92F1 鋱, terbium (Tb); (same as U+91E4 釤) a sickle with a long handle, to swing a sickle to cut (grass or wheat)
English(simplified form of U+9425) a kind of weapon used in ancient times, (same as 釤) a sickle with a long handle, to swing a sickle to cut (grass or wheat)
English(same as 鱔) the eel康熙字典【亥集中】【魚字部】?
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基本字義● ?shàn ㄕㄢˋ◎ 同“鱔”。方言集匯◎ 粵語:sin5English(corrupted form of VEA4C47) (same as U+9C53 鱔) the eel康熙字典【亥集中】【魚字部】?
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Englishcakes pf leaven; yeast, ferment for brewing, crumbs of barley康熙字典【亥集下】【麥字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》??所宴切,音訕?!队衿????!蹲謴 佛V麯也。