Englishvessel; container康熙字典【午集中】【皿字部】?
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Englishwith one eye closed, to close the eyes; (same as U+77B8 瞸) to look askance at; (Cant.) to close the eyes康熙字典【午集中】【目字部】?
·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:9
《廣韻》呼牒切《集韻》虛涉切,??音弽。《玉篇》閉一目也。《類篇》目眇視也。《集韻》與瞸?通。 又《廣韻》徒協(xié)切《集韻》達(dá)協(xié)切,??音牒。義同。 又《集韻》直涉切,音?。視不正貌。
Englishto look at; to see; to inspect; (same as U+77B8 瞸) gazing into distance, having one eye smaller than the other, to look askance at; (Cant.) to close the eyes康熙字典【午集中】【目字部】?
·康熙筆畫:17 ·部外筆畫:12
《集韻》許及切,音吸。視貌。 又虛涉切,音弽。目眇視也。與?瞸同。
Englishsound of falling rocks, the arrowhead made of stone康熙字典【午集下】【石字部】?
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English(ancient form of 社) god of the land, an association; an organization; society; community康熙字典【午集下】【示字部】?
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Englishconnected silk, measurement康熙字典【未集中】【糸字部】?
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Englishto lose in trade; to lose in weight or measure
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Englishiron, golden ornaments康熙字典【戌集上】【金字部】?
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Englishwell-feed., to glut; to eat to one's heart's content康熙字典【戌集下】【食字部】?
·康熙筆畫:15 ·部外筆畫:6
《廣韻》書冶切《集韻》始野切,??音捨?!队衿?飫也。與??同。 又《集韻》女下切,音?。饜也。