EnglishArtemisia, a kind of plant with edible leaves康熙字典【申集上】【艸字部】?
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Englishcorresponding; equivalent, considerable; to a great extent, appropriate康熙字典【申集上】【艸字部】?
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English(same as 豐) luxuriant; exuberant of the grass and trees, young shoots of the rape-turnip--Brassica rapa康熙字典【申集上】【艸字部】?
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《集韻》同豐?!墩f文》草盛豐豐也。 又下瞎切,音轄。草名?!稉P(yáng)子·方言》蘇、沅、湘南謂之?,從??省。
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《唐韻》匹凡切,音???!墩f文》草浮水中貌。 又《廣韻》孚梵切,音泛。義同
Englishsuddenly, name of a variety of grass康熙字典【申集上】【艸字部】?
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《唐韻》府尾切,音誹。草也。 又《揚(yáng)子·方言》江湘閒凡猝相見謂之?。
English(non-classical form U+855F) coarse bamboo mat, a kind of ailment, probably of a rheumatic nature, which causes stiff neck and backbone康熙字典【申集上】【艸字部】?
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《唐韻》古忽切,音骨?!墩f文》刷也。 又《集韻》曲勿切,音屈。義同?!墩滞ā贰渡褶r(nóng)本經(jīng)》有屈草,生漢中川澤閒,主寒??隂痺。?當(dāng)卽屈。
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《唐韻》方副切,音富?!墩f文》葍也。《詩(shī)·小雅》言采其葍。《註》葍一名?,幽州人謂之燕?。 又《廣韻》芳福切,音蝮。???,草名。
English(non-classical form) name of a variety of grass (corrupted form of 葍) perennial; creeping plants
Englishlush growth of grass, trees and fruits康熙字典【申集上】【艸字部】?
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