Englishto wound the skin; to cut open; to open out, ripped康熙字典【子集下】【刀字部】?
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English(same as U+34FC ?) an incised wound; cuts康熙字典【子集下】【刀字部】?
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English(non-classical form of 雔) a kind of silkworm, pair of birds; couple; companion; to match, corresponding, proper康熙字典【丑集上】【口字部】?
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English(ancient and corrupted form of U+81FA 臺) a lookout, a tower, a terrace, a platform, a stage
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《唐韻》《集韻》??昌石切,音尺?!墩f文》卻屋也。 又斥本字?!墩f文》安定有鹵縣,東方謂之?,西方謂之鹵。 又《玉篇》?,指也,稀也,大也,??也,不用也,疏遠(yuǎn)也,充滿也。 又《玉篇》充夜切,斥去聲。義同。
English(same as U+388B ?) vast, to open up, enlarge or expand, the blot of a door; door latch, name of a person康熙字典【寅集下】【廣字部】?
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《廣韻》同?。《唐書·王忠嗣傳》軍?翼掩之。 又《集韻》與?同。詳尸部?字註。
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English(same as 弛) to unstring a bow; to relax; to neglect康熙字典【寅集下】【弓字部】?
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English(same as 匙) a spoon, (same as 椸) (a dialect) a small table in front of the bed, a rack for clothes; a clothes-horse康熙字典【辰集中】【木字部】?
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《集韻》常支切,音匙?!队衿??名。今作匙。 又《集韻》《類篇》椸,或作?。
English(same as 欼) to bite; to gnaw, (same as 嘬)to swallow at a big mouthful without mastication康熙字典【辰集下】【欠字部】?
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