Englisha kind of animal康熙字典【巳集下】【犬字部】?
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Englishbottle, earthenware康熙字典【午集上】【瓦字部】?
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《集韻》苦皓切,音考。器也。 又《五音集韻》天口切,音??。甁也。
Englishstalk of the panicled millet; stalk of the rice plant康熙字典【午集下】【禾字部】?
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《廣韻》仕于切《集韻》崇芻切,??音雛?!恫┭拧佛χ^之?。 又《集韻》甾尤切,音鄒。義同。
Englishfoodstuff; provisions; grains for human consumption康熙字典【未集上】【米字部】?
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English(same as 翥) to soar康熙字典【未集中】【老字部】?
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Englishto till; to plough; to cultivate, agricultural implements; farm tools康熙字典【未集中】【耒字部】?
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English(same as U+8655 處) to dwell; to abide in; to stay on; to be at rest in; to occupy, a place; an office; a department
Englishclothes that have no lining康熙字典【申集下】【衣字部】?
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《唐韻》息拱切《集韻》筍勇切,??音竦?!恫┭拧?褋,襌衣也。 又祖叢切,音?。義同。 又《廣韻》子冢切《類篇》足勇切,??縱上聲。義同。 或作椶。
Englishexquisite; fine, bright-colored clothes, clear white康熙字典【申集下】【衣字部】?
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《唐韻》創(chuàng)舉切《集韻》創(chuàng)所切,??音楚。《埤蒼》鮮也。《類篇》美好貌。 又《廣韻》子六切,音蹙。好衣也?!额惼芬迈r明貌。 又《集韻》七六切,音??。義同。
Englishbrave; courageous; bold, for the good of, to manage; to handle, (same as 豉) fermented beans康熙字典【酉集中】【豆字部】?
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