  • hàn
    康熙字典【卯集中】【手字部】? ·康熙筆畫:13 ·部外筆畫:9 《唐韻》胡感切《集韻》戸感切,??含上聲。撼本字?!墩f文》搖也?!缎煦C曰》今別作撼,非。
  • hàn
    English(same as U+625E 捍 U+634D 捍) to resist; to oppose; to obstruct, to defend; to guard; to ward off, (same as VEA3A83) to thump; to beat; to strike; to attack康熙字典【卯集下】【攴字部】? ·康熙筆畫:11 ·部外筆畫:7 《廣韻》《集韻》??侯旰切,音翰。《說文》止也。周書曰:?我于艱?!鸢磿暮钪?今本作捍?!额惼坊蜃鲾悺?又《集韻》許我切。與?同。
  • hán
    Englishtool to clear out ( as a drain) the water, (same as 函) a case; a small box康熙字典【辰集中】【木字部】? ·康熙筆畫:12 ·部外筆畫:8 《正字通》同?。亦作椷?;ピ敆?、?二字註。
  • hàn,hě
    康熙字典【辰集下】【毛字部】? ·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:10 《唐韻》侯幹切《集韻》侯旰切,??音翰?!墩f文》獸毫也?!队衿烽L(zhǎng)毛也。 又《集韻》河干切,音寒。義同。
  • hàn,qià,yù
    English(same as 漢) name of a dynasty, belonging to China, the Milky Way the Han River, (interchangeable 域) a frontier; a boundary; a region; a country, to live; to stay康熙字典【巳集上】【水字部】? ·康熙筆畫:15 ·部外筆畫:11 《說文》古文漢字。註詳上。
  • hǎn,jiàn,kǎn
    Englisha mountain stream or torrent, a measurement used in ancient times; a hundred million waterways (ditches) equal to a mountain stream, a river in ancient, head source in south of Henan Province, flowing east then north to conbine with Gushui (today's Jianhe)康熙字典【巳集上】【水字部】? ·康熙筆畫:16 ·部外筆畫:12 《唐韻》古莧切《集韻》居莧切,??音覸。《說文》山夾水也?!对姟ふ倌稀酚?之中。 又水名?!稌び碡暋芬谅鍨e?。 又《前漢·地理志》?水出金城郡,今居縣西北塞外。 又《集韻》居閑切,音閒。義同。 別作礀??。
  • hán
    Englishflame; fire, light; brightness康熙字典【巳集中】【火字部】? ·康熙筆畫:9 ·部外筆畫:5 《篇?!芬艉?。火也。
  • hǎn,hàn
    English(corrupted form of 熯) dry; freely burning; to burn; to roast (dialect) to dry or heat near a fire; consume by fire, to expose to sunlight (same as 焊) to weld; to join with solder, respectful; reverent; deferential康熙字典【備考】【巳集】【火字部】? ·康熙筆畫:17 ·部外筆畫:13 《五音篇海》同熯。
  • hǎn
    康熙字典【巳集下】【犬字部】? ·康熙筆畫:16 ·部外筆畫:12 《唐韻》荒檻切《集韻》虎檻切,??音豃。《說文》小犬吠。從犬,敢聲。 又《說文》南陽新亭有?鄕。 又《集韻》虎覽切,音喊。犬聲。 又《集韻》乙減切,音黯。亦小犬吠。 又《廣韻》楚鑑切《集韻》久鑑切,??音懺。又《廣韻》《集韻》??下瞰切,音憨。又《集韻》《類篇》??呼濫切,音濫。又《集韻》許鑒切,音?。義??同。
  • hán
    Englisha water-jar with ears for carrying it康熙字典【午集上】【瓦字部】? ·康熙筆畫:12 ·部外筆畫:7 《廣韻》胡男切《集韻》胡南切,??音含。似甁有耳?!额惼??瓿,小缾。 又《集韻》姑南切,音甘。器斂口者。瓿字原從瓦從咅。