● 鬔
péng ? ㄆㄥˊ
◎ 〔鬔鬆(sōng)〕(頭發(fā))蓬松,如“鬔鬔云鬢?!?/div>
● 鵬
péng ?ㄆㄥˊ
◎ 傳說中最大的鳥:“鵬之徙于南冥也,水擊三千里,摶扶搖而上者九萬里”。鵬圖。鵬程萬里。
English(same as 妦) exquisite; fine; (said of a woman's figure) very full and voluptuous; buxom, used in girl's name康熙字典【丑集下】【女字部】?
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Englishangry, (same as 恲) generous; unselfish; liberal康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
·康熙筆畫:12 ·部外筆畫:8
《廣韻》薄萌切《集韻》蒲萌切,??音棚。???,好嗔貌。一曰怒貌。 又《集韻》披耕切,音怦。同恲。忼慨也。
Englishjar with a small mouth, an earthen jar, a jar for the ashes of the dead康熙字典【午集上】【瓦字部】?
·康熙筆畫:10 ·部外筆畫:5
《集韻》普孟切,烹去聲。罌屬。 又蒲孟切,音膨。?屬。
Englisha rite; a service; to worship康熙字典【午集下】【示字部】?
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Englishsound of moving carriages; noise of a number of vehicles康熙字典【酉集下】【車字部】?
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Englishdishevelled hair, (same as 碰) to meet unexpectedly, to collide; to hit; to touch康熙字典【亥集上】【髟字部】?
·康熙筆畫:19 ·部外筆畫:9
《廣韻》薄庚切《集韻》蒲庚切,??音彭。?鬤,髮亂貌。 又《廣韻》北朗切《集韻》補(bǔ)朗切,??音榜。又《集韻》蒲浪切,音傍。又蒲光切,音旁。又甫兩切,音昉。義??同。 《說文》本作??。