  • English(same as 婍) pretty; beautiful (of a woman)康熙字典【午集下】【示字部】? ·康熙筆畫:13 ·部外筆畫:8 《玉篇》乞喜切,音起。好貌。
  • English(same as 齋) pious; respectful; chaste; pure, to abstain from meat, wine, etc., to fast, (same as 齊) equal; uniform, name of an ancient feudal state康熙字典【午集下】【示字部】? ·康熙筆畫:19 ·部外筆畫:14 《字彙補》同齊。見漢??文。
  • English(same as 芑) a kind of sorghum with white sprouts, a kind of wild vegetable; bitter herbs
  • Englishto plant; to sow; to cultivate康熙字典【午集下】【禾字部】? ·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:9 《集韻》測入切,音?。種也。
  • Englishto plant; to sow wheat康熙字典【午集下】【禾字部】? ·康熙筆畫:15 ·部外筆畫:10 《廣韻》渠脂切《集韻》渠伊切,??音耆。麥下種也。 又《集韻》市之切,音時。義同。
  • 康熙字典【未集上】【竹字部】? ·康熙筆畫:19 ·部外筆畫:13 《集韻》語綺切,音綺。竹器。
  • Englishred rice, coarse rice康熙字典【未集上】【米字部】? ·康熙筆畫:10 ·部外筆畫:4 《廣韻》巨支切《集韻》翹移切,??音祇。赤米?;蜃??。
  • qǐ,qìng
    English(same as 綮) crucial points; critical points, an embroidered banner, sheath for a lancehead康熙字典【未集中】【糸字部】? ·康熙筆畫:14 ·部外筆畫:8 《篇?!肤?,或作?。詳綮字註。
  • qì,qiè,qǔ
    Englishlace; embroidered hem (of a garment), (same as 緁) a narrow strip of woven material (such as the hem of a straw hat)康熙字典【未集中】【糸字部】? ·康熙筆畫:17 ·部外筆畫:11 《廣韻》七接切,音妾?!墩f文》緁或從習(xí)作?。詳緁字註。 又《後漢·應(yīng)劭傳》緹?十重?!对]》緹?,謂鮮明之衣?!冻o·九懷》襲英衣兮緹??!堆a註》?,緶衣也。 又《集韻》七入切,音葺。義同。
  • Englishto measure (esp. for grains) by pints and pecks康熙字典【未集中】【耒字部】? ·康熙筆畫:9 ·部外筆畫:3 《玉篇》祛己切,音乞。平量也。