● 鼝
yuān ? ㄩㄢˉ
◎ 古同“鼘”:“雷鼓鼝鼝?!?/div>
Englishmountain peak; mountain top; summit
English(same as 怨) to find fault with; to repine; to murmur against; to harbour resentment, hatred康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
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English(ancient form of 怨) hatred; enmity; resentment, to complain; to blame; to impute康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
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Englishto survey; to measure; mensuration康熙字典【卯集上】【心字部】?
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Englisha kind of tree, (corrupted form of 杬) a kind of plant; (non-classical form 欖)the olive tree康熙字典【辰集中】【木字部】?
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Englisha legendary animal (some kind looks like a cow) with three feet, a wild ox; the bison康熙字典【巳集下】【牛字部】?
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《廣韻》《集韻》??愚袁切,音元?!队衿帆F似牛,三足?!都崱飞胶=?jīng)曰:乾山有獸,狀如牛而三足,名曰?。〇按今山海經(jīng)作獂。廣韻?訓(xùn)獸如牛,獂訓(xùn)豕屬,二字迥異。山海經(jīng)之獂當(dāng)從牛,集韻所引必是善本。今刻作獂,非也。??覽從從六足,?三足。 又《集韻》吾官切,音岏。野牛名。角可爲(wèi)鞌材。
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